Dr. Tarece Johnson-Morgan


Gwinnett School Board, District 5

About Dr. Tarece Johnson-Morgan (SHe/Her):

Dr. Tarece Johnson-Morgan is an advocate, activist, artist, and author. She is the current incumbent of District 5. She is an educational leader, teacher, business entrepreneur, and a diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and justice professional. She is passionate about ethnic and global education and dedicated to multicultural and multilingual learning.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Dr. Johnson-Morgan believes that all of our children deserve access and opportunities to know they belong and to thrive. She knows that when we meet the needs and improve the experiences of children, we uplift the entire school system and community. She will continue to work to ensure physical, social, emotional, and environmental safety for Gwinnett students, teachers, and staff. She will continue to champion academic excellence by ensuring that Gwinnett schools are engaging in innovations, interventions, and initiatives that build and strengthen literacy and comprehension skills in language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Additionally, she will continue to support the language and cultural needs of our students, teachers, and staff. She is the only school board member running for re-election who has advocated for an inclusive calendar for all students and staff. She is a fierce advocate for equity in Gwinnett County Schools and has also advocated for an inclusive curriculum that teaches historical truths of Asian history, heritage, and culture.

Key Issues:

  • Strengthening student literacy and comprehension skills in language arts, math, social studies, and science

  • Creating inclusive school environments

  • Advocating for an inclusive curriculum that teaches historical truths

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.