Bryce Berry


State House District 56

About Bryce Berry (He/Him):

Bryce Berry is a community organizer passionate about bringing grassroots change to Georgia's 56th District. Raised in a union family, he learned early the importance of hard work and community solidarity. His activism was ignited in his teens, following the injustice in his hometown of Ferguson. This experience shaped his commitment to social justice and community empowerment. In Atlanta, Bryce continued his advocacy, contributing to key electoral victories and leading the Young Democrats of Georgia to engage more young people in politics. As a Middle School Math teacher in Atlanta, he's deeply connected to the community and understands the challenges and aspirations of its residents.

Why We’re Endorsing:

Running for the Georgia State House, Bryce aims to be a voice for his community, pushing for policies that reflect the values of hard work, respect, and unity he was raised on. His campaign is about bringing together diverse voices for positive, grassroots change. He is focused on addressing systemic issues head on to break down barriers for marginalized communities to ensure everyone has the support they need to thrive. He strongly supports additional healthcare coverage for all immigrants, overturning Georgia’s “right-to-work” laws, and raising the state minimum wage. Motivated by his experiences as a teacher, he aims to prioritize expanding resources for school counselors in the state if elected.

Key Issues:

  • Economic development

  • Education

  • Healthcare

  • Affordable housing

  • Addressing rampant gun violence

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Paid for by the Asian American Advocacy Fund Independent Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.